Here's the images from the little illustration of "Don Rabbit" in the book "Blue Like Jazz." I got it off the website so give credit where credit is due and check it out (here). It's a great funny little story and it's exemplary of the book so if you like it I suggest you look into reading the book.
Here it is: It's a pdf so you'll have to click on the link
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Don Rabbit
Tidbits from Life
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Blue like Jazz Live
"Blue Like Jazz" is a book by "Donald Miller" (site). It's a good book. One I read a back in college for a class but really enjoyed personally. I'd suggest you read it. It's that good. But, along came a guy named Jason Hildebrand (site). Jason is an actor and decided to take the book, "Blue like Jazz," and do it live, "Blue like Jazz Live." It's a little long; there got the bad review out of the way. However, it's very reminiscent of the book and makes you feel you are inside Donald Miller's mind. To say the least I was impressed. My but was numb but my mind was stimulated. If you ever get a chance to go and see it, I would verily suggest you take that chance. Just bring a seat cushion.
Here's the trailer.
Monday, May 14, 2007
More Letters to a Young Evangelical Quotes
Here's a good one. It's from a chapter where Tony is talking about the responsibility of Christians to the environment. Especially the need for a focus on nuclear disarmament and support of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty from 1968 that 43 some odd nations signed but most of those actually posessing nuclear weapons failed to follow through on. It's a quote from General Omar Nelson Bradley's speech on Armistice Day in 1948.
"We live in a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants, in a world that has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. We have solved the mystery of the atom and forgotten the lessons of the Sermon on the Mount. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about dying than we know about living."
-Page 211 of Tony's Book "Letters to a Young Evangelical"
Christian Thought
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Java Script taking over my web life
I've been working with iWeb for some time now making websites for both our church ( and for myself ( However, I struggle to have enough time to update these sites regularly and it takes forever to create something new and then update. Not to mention my continuing love affair with Facebook, which at times tries to take over my need to publish old school. I might have found a nice middle ground.
I've downloaded a powerful little program called "iWeb Enhancer." Basically what it does is it allows you to add java script to your iWeb sites. I then search out a good "Google gadget" that will read a rss feed or some other type of script and enter it into the iWeb site. That's a lot of gibberish to say that I can now update my blog with Blogger and my pictures with Picasa (another Google product) they automatically update on my, old school, published, website. I've even figured out how to make it so that people can actually go on my facebook (after having registered and added me as a friend obviously) right inside my website. It's great. It allows me to update things via browser based publishing anywhere I am. I can even email in my blog posts from Blogger.
All this to say it's worth taking the time to research this stuff if you're in to blogging. It takes the whole thing to a new level. You can customize exactly the look and feel without compromising the ease of posting through blogger or any other blog program.
Anyway, that's all. Happy surfing.
Tidbits from Life